Prayer Pod ceremony:: Solstice 2017
On Solstice, Dec 21st, 2017. The First Prayer Pod ceremony happened in Pennsylvania.
In a ceremony, I placed the 108 Prayer Pods on the Land, in the Western Burbs of Philadelphia—Berwyn PA.
Made out of local clay, and each contains a prayer for the Earth. The prayers we sent to me from all around the world, are written or printed on paper then placed in the opening in the pod. As each seed pod was placed, I spoke each prayer, to be spread by Wind. With the help of the Elements (Fire Air, Water and Earth) the pods and the prayers will dissolve into the earth, over the seasons.
I will photograph this PrayPod daily, as they merged with Earth, and share these images on Social media. Sharing the idea that Earth needs our love and prayers, to the wider community who can share in the common intention of holding healing prayers for the Planet in our minds and hearts.
Here is a video of the installtion created on 12.21.2017 watch>